Eradicating Poverty, Birthing Entrepreneurs

How it all Started

Success in your business is a non profit making organization established to provide training and enterprise skills to Africans living in Africa and Africans in Diaspora, who are less privilege, to enable them to be self sufficient and care for themselves. The programme will help to reduce or eliminate social exclusion, and encourage social inclusion in the society.

We act on our mission by identifying, training and supporting candidates with their vision so that they can set up their own businesses in order for them to support their families and communities. The programme is designed to cater for the training and development needs of anyone who needs help and support to enhance their skills, personal development, and increase the quality of their lives.

This includes the provision of training programmes for Young people, women and men who are determine to change the quality of the life they live.


Our mission is to empower millions of people in Nigeria and other African countries to enable them have economic independence and to eradicate poverty. We act on our mission by providing equipped facilities for training in valuable skills that will help them to gain employment or start and run their own business.

Our Mission

Our vision is to eradicate poverty by empowering citizens with the right skills, and through the development of an entrepreneurial spirit.

What We Do?

Television Programmes

The Television programmes represent an education and enlightenment platform whose primary aim is to discuss issues around poverty eradication in Africa/Nigeria. The agenda here is the injection of visibility to a subject matter which does not naturally receive this sort of focused and oncentrated analysis on a regular, and an on-going basis.

Gateway Into/Out of Africa

The amount of raw materials in developing countries and the opportunities to invest in the exploration and processing of these raw materials are still yet to be fully tapped. Traditionally industries like oil and gas has seen the greatest interest from foreign companies. There are many other opportunities that simply have not been explored.

Skills Empowerment

As the world continues its relentless march towards becoming a truly global village, the indications are that empowering the citizenry with skills is truly the only way to compete in the long-run. With this in mind, the objective here is to skill-up the individual to ensure that the necessary skills base exist to mop-up the job opportunities attendant on a dynamic economy.

Employment in Rural Areas Through Adding Value

The people-centered Development Economics author J K Galbraith did not title his then best-selling book 'Small is Beautify' aimlessly. Certainly, subsequent studies in the USA and United Kingdom has shown that Small business are the key engine for rapid economic growth. Thacherite Economics essentially centres around this key notion. The proportion of business that are SMEs in both the UK and the USA are in the high 90s in terms of the number of people employed. When taken in tanden with the fact that most SMEs in less developed countries operate in the informal economy, the opportunity this presents as a key fulcrum for economic emancipation becomes truly enormous.

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